Duck’n’Dump is inspired by a nine-year-old girl Pipsa and her eleven-year-old brother Elias. Duck, the main character, is a caricature of Pipsa’s duck-shaped soft toy. It is a very dear one and has been following her throughout her life. The duck has always inspired a lot of fart humor. The kids also have a pet: a beautiful ragdoll cat, called Felix, who is as dear to the kids as the soft toy.
One day the kids started to think it would be wonderful to create a game where the whole world would have a chance to be a part of the lives of these beloved animals – a toy duck and its living friend Felix. One time their mom was flying the toy duck over a bed and the siblings came up with a story. Their dear cat Felix has been kidnapped by bad guys and Duck decides to rescue its best friend. As a player it’s up to you now to save Felix…
Enjoy the game!